Boat Vent 3
Boat Vent 3 is an unique improvement over the Boat Vent II's venting, which made its name in the marine industry over the last two decades ago. The BV3 provides rougly 40% more venting while still tenting your boat cover, preventing mildew and mold. Molded from the highest UV inhibited plastic on the planet, it can be installed to virtually any boat cover. Its overhanging top allows in less moisture while 30 teeth on the washer provides a firm, secure grip for your cover.
No reinforcement piece needed
Installs in less than 15 seconds
Improved venting and grip
Center Seam Option (CS not available in retail)
Easiest, fastest way to vent & tent your boat cover
Protects against snow loads or heavy rain vs. sew in vents (will not allow pole to rip or tear cover
Only quick change, replaceable vent in the market
Size - 4.75" W x 4.75" D x 2.00" T
Available Colors:
Boat Vent AERO SM is Vico Marine's first sew-in vent. Great to use where tenting with the Boat Vent 2 or 3 may not be an option (i.e. cock pit cover). The louver front can be used to help prevent bees or rodents from entering the cover or just extra protection from heavy rain. For maximum venting or use with the traditional cone look, you can also install without the front.
Available in soft rubber or harder HDPE
White or Black options
Size W/O louver - 5.00" L x 5.125" W x 1.50" T
Size With louver - 7.50" L x 5.125" W x 1.50" T
Available Colors:
Boat Vent AERO (large)
Vico Marine developed this sew in Vent with sail boats & large covers in mind! Great to use where tenting with the Boat Vent 2 or 3 may not be an option (i.e. cock pit cover, sail boat, heavy angles etc..). The one piece, louvered front, makes this vent durable and easy to install. Available in soft rubber, the vent will not mar or damage the finish on many of the higher end wood boats or gel coats.
Available in soft rubber
White or Black options
Size - 10.75" L x 7.75" W x 2.00" T
Available Colors:
Boat Vent 2
Protect your investment with our fast and easy to install BoatVent II. The BoatVent II can be added to any custom or semi custom marine cover. Made with the latest UV inhibited polymers you can be sure it will withstand the elements. This remarkable devise prolongs the life of your boats upholstery by venting the enclosed space of the warm, moist air. BoatVent II helps prevents mold, mildew, and bacteria from growing under your cover, and causing irreversible damage to your boat's interior. When combined with our cam-lock support pole the added support of proper tenting will shed rain or snow, prohibiting pools and stagnant water from destroying your cover. With millions sold this combination has become the standard for preventive care in the industry, and is a must for all boat owners.
Standard in the boat cover industry
Easy to install (dealer & retail recommend)
Easiest way to vent & tent your boat cover
Protects against snow loads or heavy rain vs. sew in vents (will not allow pole to rip or tear cover
Fast, easy fix for broken snaps or grommets
Center Seam Option
Size - 4.5"W x 4.5" D x 2.5" T
Available Colors:
Boat Vent AERO (small)
UPC 00812599020006
The Boat Vent 4. Made from durable soft material, the vent is soft enough for sewing, but tough enough for the outdoor elements your boat cover will go through. For those who require a sew in style vent, this is your number one choice. Key features include screw-in style lead-in, removable top umbrella for easy access, and improved venting.
Twist & hold design for fast and easy sewing
Easy to remove top creates more efficient work area
Low profile design
Strong soft material with UV inhibitor
Matte Finish
Inside hole fits 3/4” tube or Spline tip for improved fit
Can be installed with our without reinforcement piece
size - 5" W x 5" D x 1.25" T
Available Colors: